Shark puts a stop to J-Bay Open

Shark puts a stop to J-Bay Open

This is the last thing you want to happen during a surfing competition.

jbay shark

It seems that the J-Bay Open is a little cursed.

First, the world received news that famous surfer Kelly Slater is out of the running after breaking his foot yesterday and now the competition organisers had to call off day 4 of the heats due to a shark. Yes, you read right, a SHARK!

This comes two years after Mick Fanning fought off a great white shark at this notorious South African beach.

ALSO READ: Shark attack in J-Bay (Video)

It is understood that it is only mako shark which is one of the fastest shark species but not dangerous to humans.

Watch the footage below.

However this wasn't the only exciting event to happen at the J-Bay Open. South African surfer Jordy Smith was in his element in the pumping surf and absolutely dominated his third round heat against Leonardo Fioravanti.

Smith could have won the heat with two excellent waves rides, scoring 8.50 and 8.60 in the early stages of their heat.

But he up the ante big time, with two back-to-back perfect 10 wave rides in the massive swell at J-Bay.

Check out Smith's amazing wave rides:

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