You can now check when you are going to die

You can now check when you are going to die

We all know that death is inevitable, but would you like to know when your expiration date is?


The interwebs is a fascinating place. You can find a whole bunch of very interesting things and when I saw this on a friend's Facebook page, it really made me wonder - do I want to know when I will die?

As morbid as it may sound, we all know it is going to end eventually and we really aren't going to live forever, but would knowing that final date change the way you see your life?

Of course, the curiosity got the better of me and I decided to try this 'Death Clock'. 

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It asked me a few very simple questions - age, BMI, and gender, but it had absolutely no explanation as to how it worked out their prediction. I was quite happy with my result, as I will be living until 2091 - which would make me 99!

Do you want to know when you will die? Would it make you change the way you live your life?

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