You can now enjoy a glass of Pinot Meow with your cat

You can now enjoy a glass of Pinot Meow with your cat

Ever wanted to enjoy a glass of wine with your beloved furry friend? Well now you can!

Ever sat at home drinking a glass of wine and wishing you could share a glass with your furry friend? Well now you don't have to wish anymore.

A Denver-based company has created drinks for cats that look like wine and creates the same feeling as drinking alcohol.

The drink itself is completely alcohol and grape free and made up of organic catnip and water and colored with organic beet juice (the “white” varieties are colored with golden beets).

The founder says the whole idea started out as a joke but then he realized people out there really did want to share a glass of wine with their furry friends.

Available in two varieties  Pinot Meow and MosCATo, Apollo Peak wine will finally make your wish come true.

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