The Best Revenge Body Ever!

Is this the best Revenge Body ever?

We all have different ways of dealing with break-ups, improving our appearance or financial status could be one of the best ways to get back at our exes. 

Hayley Revenge body
The Sun

Hayley Westoby says being called 'fat' by her ex inspired her to lose 63 Kilograms!

Revenge Body is a term that describes a person whose 'fit physique' is a result of a break up. The physical improvement is meant to make an ex jealous and regret letting them go. 

What do you think of this trend? 

Khloe Kardashian is said to be the reason for this growing trend with her show titled Revenge Body on E! Entertainment.

Would you do it? Or a would a change in hair colour be enough for you? 

We think she looks fabulous either way! 

Also Read: This must be the sweetest revenge in history!

Hayley after weight-loss
The Sun

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