Father shows off strength of pantyhose by using his child

Father shows off strength of pantyhose by using his child

Well, this is definitely one way to show off the durability of a product...

image funny child bouncing

Is this a clever way of showing the strength of a product or just plain crazy?  

A pantyhose wholesaler in Sui county, central China has gone viral after stuffing his eight-year-old son into one of his products to demonstrate its quality. 

In the video below, he is seen bouncing his son up and down like a kangaroo, showing the product's quality. 

The man was not planning on filming the demonstration and posting it online, but one recipient thought it was hilarious and ended up posting it online. 

One social media user commented: "Sure sure, I'll buy the pantyhose. Now will you please let go of the kid?"

Do you think this is a great way to market the product? 

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