Less sexist pedestrian lights cause uproar

Less sexist pedestrian lights cause uproar

Australian city, Melbourne thought it would be a great idea to have a female on their street pedestrian signal in honour of International Women's Day but apparently people don't like that idea much. 

Female pedestrian lights

A lobby group called the Committee for Melbourne is behind a push for the Australian city to have half of its pedestrian lights feature a female silhouette, as opposed to the usual male version.

But not everyone is happy. Even those aware that the lights won't actually resemble a Mary Poppins figure. 

This is apparently all part of the Equal Crossings initiative, and its aim is to reduce unconscious bias and further gender equality in a public setting.

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Last year, the City of Yarra council in Melbourne installed pedestrian traffic lights featuring a silhouette of Mary Rogers, the first female elected to local government, in conjunction with International Women's Day. 

This article first appeared on Mashable

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