Baby admired for his impressive cooking skills

Baby admired for his impressive cooking skills

It feels like babies in China have already got the memo for being ahead...

A Chinese baby cooks with a wok on street
A Chinese baby cooks with a wok on street/Instagram Screenshot/@memescollect

Many might say that the Chinese are way ahead of the rest of the world. As much as there might be controversy around this topic, we think that is true. 

Their ability to think about the future in limitless ways allows them to be ahead in ways that some cannot fathom. 

We are taking the lighthearted approach to this line of thinking as we came across a video that supports the theory. 

Watch the video below, courtesy of Instagram:

The way the baby is holding the wok and stirring the food caught the attention of passersby. 

It is exactly the thing you don't expect to see when visiting a street side eatery, well, not in South Africa anyway.

One thing is for certain here, this baby has all the confidence of a professional - and that's all you need to up your sales and create a spectacle. Good job, dad!

Listen to Jacaranda FM: 

Image Courtesy of Instagram


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