Even moose get a popcorn craving now and then

Even moose get a popcorn craving now and then

Sometimes weird things that are caught on video just make sense. 

A moose inside a movie theatre
A moose inside a movie theatre/Instagram Screenshot/@CNN

We love when the internet provides us with content that happens organically. 

A video that was shared on Facebook showed the most unlikely movie theatre guest in Kenai, Alaska. 

It shows a moose entering the movie theatre quite calmly, we might add. 

WATCH the video below, courtesy of Instagram:

It was quite shocking considering some of the other videos we have seen where the star of the show is a moose. 

This is a great example of how sometimes animals can be harmless, but it did surprise us how calm the worker was videoing the whole thing. 

In case you got a craving to try something new with your home-made popcorn, here's a great recipe for Watermelon flavoured popcorn.


Image Courtesy of Instagram

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