Father of the year simulates rollercoaster ride

Father of the year simulates rollercoaster ride

Kids don't need expensive toys or fancy experiences, they just need time with you...

A little girl going on a ride in the laundry basket while watching a rollercoaster
A little girl going on a ride in the laundry basket while watching a rollercoaster/X Screenshot/@Bezeley_MBChB1

We live in a world where everyone is out searching for the next best thing. 

Whether that is the next best toy or phone, there's this constant need to outdo ourselves with devices and things. And the reality is that this need pushes us further and further away from connecting as humans. 

But one father is teaching us that human connection is not dead in the water. 

In a video that was shared on X, we see a father simulating a rollercoaster experience for his little girl in the most inventive way. 

Watch the video below, courtesy of X

It is so endearing to see what a little bit of innovation and a few household items can do for a little kid. 

This was a real flashback for us because many of us can attest to using mediocre items as toys when we were kids. The moment that this father created for this child is way more than an actual rollercoaster experience. 

It is something that this little girl will remember for the rest of her life. A moment stuck in time because it was something her father did for her...

Listen to Jacaranda FM: 

Image Courtesy of X


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