Man gets outplayed by a spider in his home

Man gets outplayed by a spider in his home

Hey, what are you going to do? They have six more legs than you...

A man trying to capture a spider off the wall in a glass container
A man trying to capture a spider off the wall in a glass container/TikTok Screenshot/brendanrogers4x4

Spiders: a nuisance to some, yet admired by others, these fascinating creatures may not always be cute and cuddly, but they sure are unique.

What's your first reaction when you spot a spider? If your response involves anything remotely violent, here are a few reasons why you might want to reconsider your feelings, according to Bug Squad:

  1. Spiders consume 400-800 million tons of prey, mostly insects, each year. For comparison, humans consume somewhere around 400 million tons of meat and fish each year.

  2. Spider silk is one of nature’s strongest materials – stronger than steel and more flexible than Kevlar. In fact, a pencil-thick strand of spider silk could stop a Boeing 747 in flight.

  3. Some spiders can run up to 70 body lengths per second, which is 10 times faster than Usain Bolt's top speed.

Speaking of speed, we recently came across a video of a man attempting to trap a spider in a glass container. While we doubt it was for entertainment, the spider's quick escape reminded us of just how true that 70-body-length speed stat really is.

In the video, we watch as the man carefully slides a glass container along a wall, with a spider – larger than your average house variety – inside.

As he edges the container toward the wall's edge, his focus wavers, and the spider makes a quick escape. It scurries up the wall, but not before the man regains control and traps it once again.

However, as he reaches for the lid, the spider climbs up to the rim of the container. Believing it might leap out, the man panics and drops the container.

Watch the video below, which received over 8.6 million views on TikTok. There's no sign of the spider, so it's safe to assume it managed to escape.

Please note that this video contains profanity and is not advisable for sensitive viewers. 

@brendanrogers4x4 Most chaotic thing you’ve seen today 🤣 #spider #scare #fyp #viral #foryou ♬ original sound - brendanrogers4x4

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Image Courtesy of TikTok


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