WATCH: Flying pigs, talking pigs, and now real-life stunt pigs...

WATCH: Flying pigs, talking pigs, and now real-life stunt pigs...

A clean escape from this big guy...

Pig escaping off the back of a moving vehicle on the roadway
Pig escaping off the back of a moving vehicle on the roadway/TikTok Screenshot/@emerod

We sometimes get so used to seeing weird and wacky things in South Africa that we forget that perhaps these things are not at all weird or wacky for the rest of the world... 

A video from the perspective of a vehicle driving behind another, shows something you don't see every day. 

At first glance it looks like something is hanging off the back of the van. Upon closer inspection, you see a pig making its way out of the canopy.

Before you can say "Jack Robinson", or perhaps in this case, "Peppa Pig", the animal falls to the road. 

Afraid to see the aftermath, we shut our eyes thinking tragedy...

But wait...

The pig lands safely and shakes off the fall and starts walking away as if nothing had even happened. 

Looking for food as he/she strolls away from what we assume was his new owner...

His fate seems to not have been sealed in dinner plans.

But before we get too excited about his great escape, when we revisited the video for the 18th time, we noticed that the driver of the van did feel the weight lift off and put the hazards on to stop. So maybe it wasn't a great escape after all...


WATCH the video below, courtesy of TikTok


Señor su puerquito 😭😭

♬ sonido original - Sr. Lucifer

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Image Courtesy of TikTok

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