This is what the future of advertising looks like

This is what the future of advertising looks like

A digital supermodel is defying the world of advertising...

A digital supermodel jumping out of an advertising screen
A digital supermodel jumping out of an advertising screen/Instagram Screenshot/@iam_zlu

We came across a video that shows an advertising screen on the side of a road. 

Nothing unusual about that, but then as the screen moves to the top, the model that looked like an image, literally jumps out of the screen. 

After delving into it a bit more, we found out that besides the fact that this is what the future of advertising looks like, the guy that jumped out of the screen is a digital supermodel. 

Watch the video below, courtesy of Instagram

The model's name is Zlu and is a digital supermodel. A digital model or virtual model is part of the avatar revolution.

Zlu appears real but is managed by artificial intelligence software and really pushes the boundaries in the world of advertising; making adverts more real yet unattainable, pushing the ideology of what is real and what is virtual. 

Check out another video from Zlu. Courtesy of Instagram. This one was for Black Friday. 

Image Courtesy of Instagram

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