Well-balance life with MNI – Focusing on insulin and your metabolism

Well-balance life with MNI – Focusing on insulin and your metabolism

Over the past 20 years The Medical Nutritional Institute (MNI) has developed a range of proven health care solutions targeting the underlying cause of the clinical components and lifestyle related conditions associated with the Metabolic Syndrome.


Poorly managed blood sugar metabolism can be associated with insulin resistance, a condition that makes it difficult to lose weight. If Insulin resistance is not identified and managed appropriately your chance of developing type-2 diabetes increases by 400%.

How do I know if I am insulin resistant?

Females with a waist circumference of more than 80cm and males with more than 94cm may have insulin resistance.  This condition makes it difficult to lose weight effectively.  Even if you lose weight, you quickly gain it back and more.

READ: An introduction to AntaGolin

What is the effect of insulin on your metabolism?

Insulin is a hormone that plays a dominant role in regulating blood sugar and body fat percentage. Under certain conditions, the body becomes blunted by the regulatory effects of insulin. When this happens, the normal mechanism starts to fail, and insulin resistance sets in. As a result, blood sugar levels start to climb.

To compensate the body increases its production of insulin, thereby causing insulin levels to rise.  When it comes to regulating blood sugar, rising insulin levels are beneficial as it helps to keep rising blood sugar under control. However, when it comes to regulating body fat percentage, rising insulin levels spell somewhat of a disaster. 

This is because the hormone insulin not only makes the body more effective at storing fat but also makes it more difficult to burn fat. The result is that your metabolism effectively slows down. You will probably gain weight easily and have trouble losing it despite dieting.

AntaGolin combats insulin resistance and optimizes blood-sugar metabolism.

This unique combination supports multiple pathways involved in the input, output, and processing of sugars in the body and the optimal regulation of your metabolism. 

READ: Learn more about AntaGolin and how it can help you combat insulin resistance

LEARN MORE: WATCH: An introduction to elevated blood sugar levels and diabetes

What is the MNI approach and solution?

We have a holistic approach to healthcare. The best results are achieved when a variety of strategies are implemented simultaneously.  Although lifestyle changes play an important role in your health and well-being its sometime just not enough, and you have to support your body further with well-researched products and solutions.

READ: Get FREE lifestyle support in the form of Meal Plans, Assessments and Exercise Programs

LEARN MORE: WATCH: An introduction to MNI’s FREE C.A.P.E Meal Plan

For more information visit The Medical Nutritional website at www.mnilifestyle.co.za

Introduction to AntaGolin from Medical Nutritional Institute on Vimeo.

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