How to understand what your child's poo is telling you

How to understand what your child's poo is telling you

You probably ask yourself a million questions a day when it comes to feeding your little ones and taking care of them from the inside out.

How to understand what your child's poo is telling you

What is 'normal' when it comes to the color of your toddler’s poo? 

  • How do you know if your baby has chronic constipation? 
  • When is the right time to use a laxative? 
  • Should we be giving our children probiotics? 

Well, gastroenterology doesn't have to be a topic that you can't stomach any more, because we’re talking to Dr. Lesley Hendricks – known by her youngest patients as 'The Poo Doctor' and she's joining us to help parents get some answers!

Brought to you by Epimax Baby & Junior – our family, for your family. Also supported by Jacaranda 94.2.

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