Mom shares what it's like being a mother to a boy

Mom shares what it's like being a mother to a boy

The things boy moms go through need to be journaled and shown to them when they get older. 

A little boy drinking water off the ground
A little boy drinking water off the ground/TikTok Screenshot/@being_a_mom

We know too well that a child's freedom can lead to a mother's stress. Not because we don't want them to live freely but because sometimes protecting them from things that could make them ill is part of our instincts. 

So, where some mothers would allow their children to eat mud cakes and run in the rain, some tend to be a bit more weary. It is their right; after all, the pandemic and the host of viruses that it has left us taught us to be more careful. 

A mother who describes herself as one who is navigating around her family's chaos shared a video of an example of what it means to be a boy mom. 

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In a video, she shared that her young kids were playing outside. The two of them were messy and enjoying their time outside. 

Mom videos her son and daughter and then notices her son bending over a small puddle of muddy water and drinking from it as if he were a dog. 

She stopped him to tell him that he shouldn't be drinking water off the ground. But the little boy, being a little boy, ran back to the puddle to defy mom's instruction. 

This little boy was being a kid, and he did everything in innocence, but we need to educate kids about the dangers of drinking contaminated water. 

Make it fun for them by showing them an online video or asking for assistance from a professional. These days, many filtered water outlets sell water per litre to the public. Perhaps they could do a demonstration to help kids understand. 

Watch the video below - courtesy of TikTok

@being_a_mom I dont think I need to say much. 😩💀🤦🏼‍♀️ #boychild #raisingaboy #chaoswalking #busy #messy #dirty #dailymadness #waterplay ♬ Stealthy mischief(1088178) - KBYS

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Image Courtesy of TikTok


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