Research has revealed that cows have best friends

Research has revealed that cows have best friends

Get this, the cows not only have BFFs, they also feel much more calmer around their besties. 

Three black and white cows standing on a field
Three black and white cows standing on a field/Pexels/@Matthias Zomer

We have become a nation that has realised that paying attention to our mental health is just as important - if not more important - as paying attention to our physical well-being. 

In saying that, research has also allowed us to acknowledge that even animals worry and stress. 

Which is quite a weird thing to acknowledge at first glance. We guess it is because we always assume that animals are fun and easygoing in nature?

When it comes to those that live with humans, they have everything they need laid out for them. This line of thinking confirms why we don't think of them as worriers. 

Last week, we heard that some dogs respond negatively to uneasy days and end up staying awake at night thinking about their problems. 

And now, we have learnt that cows have best friends and feel stressed when they are away from their besties for too long. 

"Research done by Krista McLennan of Northampton University indicates that cows do indeed have “best friends.” (Barn Sanctuary)

"For the study, cows were penned for 30-minute intervals twice, once with a preferred partner, a “best friend,” and once with a cow that they did not know. During this time, the heart rates of the cows were measured." (Barn Sanctuary)

It turns out cows have a higher sense of personality than they were previously given credit for. Well, we didn't doubt that, after all, characters like Mina Moo and Bertina from Paw Patrol were based on some knowledge.

The cows' heart rates were lower when they were around their best friends and it was noted that they experienced less overall stress. 


"Not only are cows more calm when they’re around a buddy, but they’re actually smarter too. In a 2014 study, researchers from the University of British Columbia found that young calves that live alone perform worse on tasks of cognitive skill than those that live with a buddy." (Barn Sanctuary)

It seems like working with someone or better yet, knowing that you have a person who is by your side, allows both animals and humans alike the feeling of ease and comfort. 

This research reveals a great deal for the dairy industry, as it's no wonder why some batches of milk taste better than others. It's a personality thing. 

Image Courtesy of Pexels

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