Son stands up to mother who forced his pregnant girlfriend to sleep on the floor

Son stands up to mother who forced his pregnant girlfriend to sleep on the floor

One of those family dynamics that call for some sort of intervention...

Pregnant woman lying on couch
Pregnant woman lying on couch/Pexels Website

Families can get complicated, especially when you have to manage relationships between your mother and your life partner.

A son shared his story on Reddit about his mother's treatment toward his pregnant girlfriend. 

There is a common stereotype between mothers with sons and their future daughter-in-laws. This case is no different, except that the son decided to speak up...

It seems that his mother has become rude and unbecoming to his girlfriend of four years, after they announced that they would be having a baby. 

On the occasion in question, his girlfriend Rosie had some car trouble not far from his mother's house. Since his brother, Chris, lives with his mother, he went to fetch her and because it was quite late, she spent the night. 

"Rose helps prepare dinner, wash up, and actually engage in a decent conversation with my mum for the first time in ages. However, they mostly avoid each other. Chris goes to bed earlier, leaving my mum and Rose. My mum lives in a two-bedroom apartment and since both bedrooms were taken. Rose assumed that she would be sleeping on the couch. She apparently assumed wrong." (Reddit)

The mother insisted that Rose sleep on the floor and not mess up her couch, gave her a thin blanket, and, worse yet, kept checking in now and then to ensure Rose was in fact on the floor and not the couch...


The brother, Chris, told his brother what happened and told him not to make a big deal of it. But he did in fact decide it was time to put his foot down. 

Many of the people commenting shared their admiration toward him for standing up to his mother. 

We know that this may very well be a sensitive topic for many people, because it's a common occurrence, but sometimes just sitting down and talking about it can be the simplest of solutions. 

Sure, it's not easy to sit and talk about things that make you uncomfortable, but it's like that saying - anything worth something doesn't come easy...

Image Courtesy of Pexels Website

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