Is Barney this brave? Meet the 94-year-old first-time skydiver

Is Barney this brave? Meet the 94-year-old first-time skydiver

A 94-year-old from Pennsylvania decided now was as good a time as any to try something new.

granny skydives

When you've had 93 birthdays, it can be difficult to find something unique to do for your 94th one. 

Eila Campbell decided to do something quite daring for her 94th birthday, and may have found herself a new hobby. 

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Along with her granddaughter and her great-granddaughter, Eila jumped 10,00 feet (more than 3000m) out of an airplane. She soared through the sky, and afterwards she had this to say: "Wow. You know, the wind is so terrific."

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Eila enjoyed the dive so much that she told The Telegraph that she would definitely do it again. The way Eila sees it, she doesn't have much time to waste, so why shouldn't she do whatever her heart desires?

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