Bizarre moment woman attempts to fake an accident

Bizarre moment woman attempts to fake an accident

People do weird things, but this takes it to a whole new level.


This is just crazy! Who throws themselves in front of a vehicle in order to fake an accident?! 

Bizarre footage has hit the internet showing a lady walking down the middle of a road and suddenly falling to the floor in a theatrical way. The lady then lies still for a number of seconds in front of a vehicle and motorbike.

The woman then leaps up from the concrete and runs towards the car, catching up with it, screaming at the driver, and bashing the bonnet. After receiving a muted reaction from the driver, the erratic lady drops to the floor again as bemused onlookers watch, with some of them laughing.

The woman then carries on throwing herself at the vehicle, while the vehicle tries to reverse away. Once again, this is CRAZY

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