#HurricaneHarvey: Incredible helicopter rescue of mother and baby

#HurricaneHarvey: Incredible helicopter rescue of mother and baby

These men deserve a medal after this incredible rescue mission!

image helicopter rescue mother and child

If you've been following the news on television or social media, you would have been made aware of the devastation caused by Tropical Storm Harvey. 

There's absolutely no doubt that members of the U.S. Coast Guard are heroes. Since last week Sunday, they have been hard at work, risking their lives, and have so far rescued more than 4,322 people.

A video has been shared on social media showing an incredible helicopter rescue mission of a mother and her tiny baby. 

The footage was posted to Twitter and has since been shared many times.

Watch the incredible rescue below.

There has been massive devastation after Hurricane Harvey swept through certain parts of the Gulf Coast.

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