Incredibly funny Cape Town water crisis videos with strong messages

Incredibly funny Cape Town water crisis videos with strong messages

Even though you may laugh, these videos come with an important message too. 

dont flush when you pee video

If there is one thing that we love about South Africans, it's that no matter what happens, we will always try to find the humour in it. 

If you haven't heard or read the latest news about Cape Town, where have you been?! Dam levels in Cape Town have dropped to 18% and water restrictions have been heightened as the Mother City is slowly running out of water. 

However, to lighten the mood, two videos have been circulating about the current water crisis. Emma Engers created a hilarious song detailing what you should be doing if you live in Cape Town. 

Take a listen below:

If that's not enough, we introduced you to the comedy skit, 'Kreeping Up With The Kaapdashians' a few months ago and now one of their stars has created a comical skit regarding the water crisis in Cape Town. 

YouTuber 'Devdondidit', dressed in character, put together one epic skit that will have you laughing all day.

We sure do hope that Cape Town does receive some much needed rain soon as this is starting to become a very serious issue for South Africa as a whole.

What do you do to save water?

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