Woman slips out of handcuffs and steals police car

Woman slips out of handcuffs and steals police car

Don't things like this only happen in the movies?

Woman slips out of handcuffs and steals police car before leading police in wild chase

A Texas woman made an ambitious attempt to escape when she slipped out of her handcuffs and stole a police car. 

This led to a high speed chase between her and the Texas police, which was caught on dashboard and body cameras.

According to NYDailyNews.com, the woman, who has been identified as Toscha Sponsler, was arrested after she allegedly shoplifted from a local store.

The video shows Sponsler scanning the area before climbing through the window partition, into the driver’s seat of the police car.

She then led the police on a 23-minute chase, which ended with her being charged with additional charges, including: "escape causing serious bodily injury/threat of a deadly weapon, aggravated assault against a public servant, possession of a controlled substance, evading arrest with a vehicle with a previous conviction and unauthorised use of a vehicle", NYDailyNews.com reported.

ALSO WATCH: Hijack chase caught live on camera

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