Woman's response to man's unwanted nude pic he sent is priceless!

Woman's response to man's unwanted nude pic he sent is priceless!

A woman found an unwanted photo of a man's genitals in her messages and decided to write him a letter describing the situation. As one does, you post it on Facebook for the whole world to see. 

Nude image

People send nudes all the time, it seems like it's a 'thing'people just do. However, one man had no idea what was coming his way. 

Sarah-Louise Jordan decided to write an amusing, ironically formal letter when she discovered an unsolicited image in her picture messages . 

"I found a surprising picture in my messages," wrote the 28-year-old on Facebook. She then went on to say, "So, I did the only English thing there was to do – I wrote them a letter."

Her letter, below, was shared by more than 1000 people and many agreed that her response was perfect! 

letter posting

nude letter 2

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