Roman's Pizza gets the ball rolling to enable little Henry to hear again

Roman's Pizza gets the ball rolling to enable little Henry to hear again

Roman's Pizza and Good Morning Angels got the ball rolling with Lindi Janse van Rensburg's fundraiser for her nephew's special hearing aids; donating R100,000!

Roman’s Pizza gets the ball rolling to enable little Henry to hear again
Jacaranda FM

Eight-year-old Henry is a very bright, very bubbly young man. He is the apple of his aunt Lindi’s eye and she’s supported him from the day he was born. Sadly, Henry’s start in life was not ideal. 

His mom has been battling since before he was born and they currently live in a sanctuary for the homeless in Roodepoort. Henry was also born with numerous medical challenges, but despite all this he is "a young soul brimming with dreams and aspirations". He averages above 80% at school and doesn’t make excuses. 

After he was born, Henry lived with his aunt, Lindi, and she has always supported him financially. But, he has a challenge that Lindi cannot fulfil - he needs special hearing aids that will cost over R100,000 and that's why Lindi's friends have reached out to Good Morning Angels.

REQUEST FOR: Eight-year-old Henry and foster parent, Lindi

REQUEST FROM: Lezahne van Wyk 

ANGEL: Our fabulous Festive Sponsors, Roman’s Pizza represented by Edward Sungura

SPONSORING: Roman's Pizza will get the ball rolling with Lindi’s fundraiser for Henry’s special hearings aids with a donation of R50,000!

ANGEL 2: The Good Morning Angels Fund NPC

SPONSORING: The GMA Fund will add another R50,000 towards Henry’s special hearing aids!

Watch here:


Goeie more Angels,

Ek skryf aan julle namens ‘n kollega, Lindi Janse van Rensburg. Haar suster bly in ‘n oord vir hawelose mense saam met haar seuntjie, Henry. Henry is ‘n pragtige 8-jarige seuntjie, maar hy sukkel met menige gesondheidsprobleme. Lindi probeer soveel help as wat sy kan finansieel, maar Henry het nou gehoorstukkies nodig wat heeltemal buite hul bereik is. Ek het ‘n kort opsommingtjie gemaak - dit verduidelik sy storie bietjie beter as wat ek nou doen op hierdie epos. Ek heg ook fototjiies van Henry. 


Lezahne van Wyk

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Image Credit: Jacaranda FM


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