Bride demands more than R4k as a gift from each person at her wedding

Bride demands more than R4k as a gift from each person at her wedding

Talk about a bridezilla! This woman was so determined to get $250 (approximately R4,500) from her guests, that she told those who cannot afford to give her the money to not come to the wedding. 

Bride receiving gift from bridesmaid iStock
Bride receiving gift from bridesmaid/ iStock

How far is too far when it comes to couples requesting specific gifts for their wedding?

One woman took to Reddit to complain about a bride who is expecting all her guests to give her a gift of $250 (approximately R4,500). 

What's worse is that she isn't considering those who have to pay for flights to her wedding. 

The complainant said she has been friends with the bride for over a decade and wanted to attend the wedding. She even went so far as to make plans to purchase a custom made gift, as well as book a flight and accommodation to attend the wedding. 

However, the bride's request got her concerned. 

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"She recently reached out to tell me what I'd be expected to bring as a wedding gift. I had been planning a gift already, a custom piece of art. I was told I had to bring a minimum of £250 cash as my wedding gift to them. I was shocked by this as that's a lot of money especially considering that I have to fly out and get a hotel," she wrote on Reddit. 

The anonymous women said trying to show the bride that her request is inconsiderate didn't make a difference. Instead, she said the bride said the $250 was the minimum and anyone who can't afford that wasn't allowed at the wedding. In total, she had 97 guests coming. 

"When I questioned her about this she said it was the bare minimum every guest had to bring and that anyone who didn't wasn't allowed into the wedding."

The bride claimed that the money is going towards the new couple getting a house. 

"She brushed it off saying it was normal and customary in Belgium as all the money goes towards getting the newlyweds a house," she wrote. 

"Ok I can see some grounds in that and would be happy to throw a little cash towards that if it's what she wants but the demanding and set price seems fishy to me and this isn't a small wedding, she has 97 guests coming. I told her as much and she had a meltdown saying if I wasn't comfortable paying it wouldn't be fair to the other guests who were paying and she wouldn't be comfortable with me being there then even bragged about how her father had promised her three grand as his gift."

READ: Bride shares a special moment with her grandmother

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