Employer deducts jelly babies, toiletries, and bread from domestic worker's R3,000 salary

Employer deducts jelly babies, toiletries, and bread from domestic worker's R3,000 salary

Many Tweeps were left outraged after Rami Chuene shared a story of a domestic worker whose employer has been financially abusing her. Read all about it here. 

Rami Chuene
Rami Chuene/ Instagram

South African media personality, Rami Chuene, has shined a light on a domestic worker's situation.

The actor took to Twitter to share a story about a woman whose employer has been financially abusing her. The woman happens to be Rami's helper's sister. 

"Lena! Let me tell you something. Don’t abuse your helpers! Vok!!!!! I’m so angry. I’m not crazy about screenshots but this you won’t believe me if I don’t show you. Here’s a madam (black) in Broadacres robbing and financially abusing her helper in broad daylight…The helper here is sisters with our helper, meaning I’m getting this info first hand. We were very excited that she got a job not that far from her sister, little did we know she was going to be working for a ‘Holy Spirit’ filled scammer," she wrote.

READ: How to choose a good domestic worker

The first abuse that she faced was when she was told she cannot use her own toiletries, but was forced to later pay for the toiletries the family provided for her.

"A salary was negotiated and agreed at R3000- in Broadacres but asikholapho. Helper went with her own toiletries but was told that in that household you use their stuff not what you bring," Rami wrote on Twitter.

The helper was told she could eat with the family, but was later charged for all that she ate.

"It was agreed that helper could eat at home. On some occasions, hubby who is in construction would bring muffins home and helper would be offered. Then a packet of sweets here and there would also be given to helper. One time he brought cake for madam & she gave it to helper…Now comes month end, Madam tells helper that she will give her an income and expenditure statement and guys!!!!! I’m not coping with this rubbish! Has anyone ever seen this kind of witchcraft? Boloi bo bo kaaka?" she wrote on Twitter.

READ: The rights of your domestic worker when it comes to coronavirus

"Please take your time I beg and go through the statement," she wrote.

In the statement, the employer deducted toiletries, basic food, snacks, and the one weekend the domestic worker was off.

She even charged the helper for the muffins that the husband gave to her.

See the income and expenditure below.

Not only are those the only deductions, but the employer even charged the domestic worker a fee to clean her room when she was on a weekend away. 

As a result of Rami sharing the news, Tweeps asked her for the domestic worker's details to help her financially while she seeks other employment. 

READ: Signs you are mistreating your domestic worker

Image credit Instagram/ @Ramichuene

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