James Blunt cries over his dying father in ‘Monsters’ music video

James Blunt cries over his dying father in ‘Monsters’ music video

Grab a tissue, as this music video will move you to tears.

James Blunt monsters music video
James Blunt/ YouTube screenshot

Imagine the pain of knowing that your dad is dying? Unimaginable! 

That’s exactly what James Blunt’s song ‘Monsters’ is about.  

James dedicated the song to his father, Colonel Charles Blount, who has stage four chronic kidney disease.

“Monsters is for him when I realised I didn’t have much time, necessarily, or realised his own mortality, I wrote a song, “I’m not your son, you’re not my father, we’re just two grown men saying goodbye, no need to forgive , no need to forget. I know your mistakes and you know mine”  and it’s about, you know when I idolised him as a child, and then when I realised he has the occasional failing, it made me more equal to him and we became the best of friends,” James told ITV’s 'This Morning' show.

Luckily, the star says since the release of his album in 2019, several people have offered to donate a kidney for his father and they have found one potential match.

In the music video, which was released on January 15 and already has more than one-million views, James features his ailing father.

The two of them are very emotional and James is even moved to tears. Close to the end of the video, his dad is seen comforting him. 

It is such a touching video:

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