READ: Pravin Gordhan’s full affidavit

READ: Pravin Gordhan’s full affidavit

In an affidavit submitted by Finance Minister Pravin Gordhan to the High Court in Pretoria on Friday, the minister seeks relief from the court to intervene in the decision by several banks to close bank accounts belonging to the wealthy and politically-connected Gupta family. 

Minister Pravin Gordhan in Parliament
Getty Images

Documents attached to the affidavit submitted to the court also reveal transactions by the Guptas, amounting to R6.8 billion, reported to the Financial Intelligence Centre.

Read the affidavit here…


Pravin Gordhan Affidavit by GaoOliviaPhalaetsile on Scribd

The Economic Freedom Fighters on Sunday laid fraud charges against the Guptas, President Jacob Zuma and companies associated with them.

EFF Secretary General Godrich Gardee says Gordhan’s evidence shows there is weight to the accusations of state capture against the Guptas. 

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