3 more cops granted bail for death of Chatsworth man

3 more cops granted bail for death of Chatsworth man

Three more police officers, who were arrested in connection with the kidnapping and murder of a Chatsworth man, have been granted bail after appearing in the Durban Magistrate’s Court.

Court room
Nushera Soodyal

Reagen Naidoo was assaulted while in police custody in 2018 and died later.

The Independent Police Investigative Directorate (Ipid) says officers had claimed at the time that he'd choked on a pie he was eating.

But the police watchdog Ipid says a probe revealed Naidoo had been tortured and assaulted.

Spokesperson Grace Langa says they were expecting more than the three officers in court on Friday.

"We were expecting about eight, but others did not pitch. We don't know why. Ipid will look into that. We will deal with it separately. But yes, we still have more to arrest."  

Nineteen other cops, some of them attached to the K-9 unit, were arrested last week and earlier this week in connection with the murder and have appeared in court.

Langa says they will all be back in court together at the end of this month.


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