ANCYL applauds 'prudent leaders' on ANC lists

ANCYL applauds 'prudent leaders' on ANC lists

The ANC Youth League on Tuesday applauded the mother body on its candidate lists submitted to the Electoral Commission of SA (IEC).

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"The ANC Youth League applauds the ANC's commitment in moving South Africa forward to a better life... through transparent and prudent leaders to represent it in the legislatures," spokesman Bandile Masuku said in a statement. 
"The ANC Youth League has contributed a pool of its current and former leaders, to all provincial legislatures, national council of provinces and the National Assembly."
The ANC submitted its list of candidates for Parliament and provincial legislatures to the IEC on Tuesday. 
Masuku said the core of leaders would continue to champion and represent the aspirations of young people in particular and of those who still had to be reached by the good work of the African National Congress.
"We have full confidence on their capacity to live up to the expectations of the movement and we implore them to maintain focus and dare not linger in prosecuting the tasks of our struggle for progressive social change," he said.
Masuku said the lists reinforced the central task of the ANCYL as a critical body of opinion and as a preparatory political school in the ANC, which remained a source of new capable and dynamic young leaders for the ANC.
President Jacob Zuma was number one on the ANC's National Assembly list followed by party deputy president Cyril Ramaphosa. 
Two former ANCYL presidents, Malusi Gigaba and Fikile Mbalula were on the list as well as former ANCYL deputy president Ronald Lamola and former treasurer Pule Mabe.

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