Calls for Ramaphosa to set up relief fund for informal workers

Calls for Ramaphosa to set up relief fund for informal workers

Several organisations are calling for President Cyril Ramaphosa to set up a Covid-19 lockdown relief fund for workers who are not legally protected.

Street Vendor, Informal Traders
Photo by Neo Motloung

Oxfam, Asijike Sex workers coalition, Shayisfuba Gauteng, One in Nine and Rise Up Against Gender-based violence are among those who have written an open letter to Ramaphosa. 

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"The first demand is that workers who are in no-work no-pay situations but are registered for UIF (Unemployment Insurance Fund) are able to access it now. We are also asking for an urgent relief fund for workers who are not on UIF such as farmworkers, sex workers, informal traders, and some domestic workers," says Oxfam's Rukia Cornelius.


Cornelius believes the crisis will only worsen if the government decides to ignore these workers.


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