Close to 10 000 new Covid-19 cases, death toll rises by 53

Close to 10 000 new Covid-19 cases, death toll rises by 53

The number of Covid-19 cases in South Africa now stands at 3 468 079.

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The National Institute for Communicable Diseases said on Wednesday evening that 9 818 new coronavirus cases had been recorded since its previous report.

This represents a 26.6% positivity rate.

The majority of new cases today are from KwaZulu-Natal and the Western Cape (26% each), followed by Gauteng (17%), while the Eastern Cape accounted for 12%

The death toll has climbed to 91 198, with 53 new deaths reported.

The country's recovery rate currently stands at 91.8%, with just under 194 000 active cases. 

Over the last 24 hours, 604 vaccines were administered.


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