Could you spell these words for R500 000?

Could you spell these words for R500 000?

Karthik Nemmani won the 2018 Scripps National Spelling Bee, taking home the title of the best speller in the United States and with it more than a half a million rand.

Spelling Bee 2018

The 12-year-old from Texas won by correctly spelling the word “koinonia”.


Millions tuned in to watch the final of the 91st annual bee on Thursday evening.


He had to spell words including aver, paucispiral, ankyloglossia, and haecceitas.


Nemmani won against 16 spellers, the largest group ever included in the final broadcast round. 


According to news channel CNN, the group was made up of nine girls and seven boys.


He won $40 000 in cash, a trophy, encyclopedias and a $2 500 savings account.

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