EFF: Malema will never work for a kleptocrat like Mabuza

EFF: Malema will never work for a kleptocrat like Mabuza

The Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) has lashed out at Mpumalanga Premier David Mabuza for suggesting that he could recruit EFF leader Julius Malema back into the African National Congress (ANC). 

Julius Malema in Laastehoop_jacanews
Photo: Maidi Monareng, JacarandaFM News

Mabuza raised eyebrows by saying that he wants to convince Malema to return to the ruling party. 

He was speaking at the ANCYL provincial general council in Mbombela. 

But in a strongly-worded statement, the EFF described Mabuza's "as a selfish attempt to raise his political profile and make headlines."

"We know for sure that he does not mean any of the things he is saying just like those in the ANC who are talking about the land. They are all claiming that they believe in land expropriation without compensation; but we are not fooled because they only use this to gain public attention for their aims to take over the ANC," the Red Berets say. 

ALSO READ - EFF: ANC is copying us

Mabuza is not the first ANC leader to call for Malema's return to the party. Last year an ANC branch in Limpopo called on Luthuli House to revoke Malema's expulsion from the party. 

But the EFF says this will never happen. 

"The CIC Julius Malema will never be recruited into any political work or formation by a kleptocrat like Mabuza. DD Mabuza represents everything that is wrong about the ruling party; he is like Zuma's first-born kleptomaniac. Like all kleptocrats they suffer deep ideological bankruptcy because all they know is corruption." 

The EFF says Mabuza's statements is proof that Malema is leading "a glorious people's alternative, which is very close to collapsing the ruling party."

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