Fees Must Fall: A year on

Fees Must Fall: A year on

On the 21st of October 2015 thousands of students stormed the parliamentary precinct in Cape Town demanding a 0% tertiary fee increase. 

Wits students march in Braamfontein
Photo: Slindelo Masikane

Fast forward to this year - and the #FeesMustFall movement is in full swing and protests have resulted in many violent altercations between police and students as the demand for free higher education remains intact. 

A year ago to the day the finance minister was delivering his  medium term budget speech. 

Riot police were called in and the day was marked by rubber bullets and stun grenades. 

ALSO READ: SAPS investigating Wits shooting

Yesterday, the protest was taken to the country's seat of power - the union buildings. 

Take a look:

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