FULL LETTER: Zondo inquiry’s work has been invaluable, says Ramaphosa

FULL LETTER: Zondo inquiry’s work has been invaluable, says Ramaphosa

President Cyril Ramaphosa says the commission of inquiry into state capture has almost completed its work. 

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Writing in his weekly newsletter on Monday, Ramaphosa has described the work done by the commission as invaluable.

“Even before Deputy Chief Justice Raymond Zondo submits his findings and recommendations to the president, we can all agree that the commission’s work has been invaluable.”

The president said last week marked the end of the scheduled hearings of commission, more than 1,000 days after the first witness testimony was heard.

“This is a significant milestone that brings us ever closer to a reckoning with one of the most ruinous episodes in the history of our democracy.”


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