Gauteng NGOs on verge of closing down - DA

Gauteng NGOs on verge of closing down - DA

The Democratic Alliance (DA) in Gauteng says a number of non-governmental organisations are on the verge of closing down due to non-payment of funds.

Depressed woman sitting alone on the floor in the dark room
Depressed woman sitting alone on the floor in the dark room/ iStock

The DA's Jack Bloom says NGOs are struggling to look after hundreds of mental health patients as the Gauteng Health Department has not paid subsidies for two months.

Bloom says the province's Social Development Department has also failed to pay NGOs. 

"It is a very serious situation, I fear it could be another Life Esidimeni tragedy," said Bloom. 

"There  is about 1,000 mental health patients at about 20 NGOs who have not received their monthly subsidies from the Gauteng Department of Health, and what will happen is that these NGOs will be forced to close or forced to diminish the services they provide. 

"I do not know what it is with the Gauteng provincial government. They do not seem to care about the poor and vulnerable. They have all sorts or electioneering projects, meanwhile people in NGOs like mental health patients are not getting their subsidies.

"I really feel that this could harm their wellbeing or even lead to death if this money is not paid as soon as possible." 

Responding to the allegations, the Gauteng provincial government said there are measures  put in place to ensure the smooth operation of NGOs in the province. 

In a statement released last week, Gauteng Premier Panyaza Lesufi confirmed that he had a meeting with the sector to provide an update on issues related to funding.

"The Gauteng Government announced several decisive measures that have been put in place, which include the immediate suspension of the 70/30 funding split, reverting to a full allocation of R2.4 billion to the sector, an increase from the allocated R1.7 billion and an immediate payment to all NPOs with signed Service Level Agreements," the provincial government said in a statement. 

According to that statement, payments would be made from the 15th of May, with finalisation expected by Friday. 

Jacaranda FM News reached out to the Department of Health in Gauteng regarding institutions that take care of mental health patients in the province, following the DA's statement, alluding that these centres have not received their subsidies from the department for two months. 

The department had not responded by the time of publishing. 


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