Greenpeace stage ‘hospital bed’ protest outside Eskom

Greenpeace stage ‘hospital bed’ protest outside Eskom

Greenpeace Africa staged a protest outside Eskom’s Megawatt Park headquarters on Tuesday against the utility’s contribution to air pollution and high sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions in Mpumalanga.

Greenpeace protest
Melita Steele

This follows a study which listed the town of Kriel, in Mpumalanga, as the world's second biggest sulphur dioxide (SO2) emissions hotspot.

READ: Govt: Renewables the answer to Mpumalanga pollution crisis

Greenpeace Africa spokesperson Melita Steele says that Eskom’s coal fire stations in Mpumalanga is the biggest contributor to the pollution crisis.

“We believe that people are paying the price for Eskom’s pollution, with their health and in some cases with their lives.”

Steele says there is a hospital beds are meant to demonstrate the impact of pollution on ordinary people.

“There are hospital beds and there are ‘patients’ in the beds to signify the people who are actually affected by the pollution and we want to bring that to the doorstep of Eskom.”

READ: Earthlife: 'We are a sick nation'

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