Inconsistencies within the ANCYL must be tackled: Maine

Inconsistencies within the ANCYL must be tackled: Maine

The ANC Youth league says one of the challenges facing the party, is the failure to implement its own resolutions and policy.

Anelisa Kubheka

League leader, Collen Maine, addressed delegates at the Olive Convention Centre in Durban last night - at the start of its three-day 9th Provincial Congress to elect new leadership. 

"Part of the problems in the ANC comrades, is inconsistencies. The ANC lekgotla has said that any deployee - who doesn't implement resolution of the ANC - tough action will be taken. We are here to see that happen," he said.

Maine also went on to slam finance minister Pravin Gordhan's budget speech - describing it as "the same wine in a different bottle." 

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He says the sharp contrast between President Jacob Zuma's State of the Nation Address, and the budget speech, shows a reflection of two separate governments.

"Every epoch has its leaders that are committed to benefit the lives of the people, but also, each epoch has traitors. As the Youth League NEC, we are not mincing our words when we see the deployees of the ANC - in terms of the minister and the deputy minister - in our view - are traitors of our epoch," he said.

The elective conference is scheduled to end on Sunday.

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