Instability in ANC since Zuma stepped down, says Mantashe

Instability in ANC since Zuma stepped down, says Mantashe

African National Congress (ANC) chairperson Gwede Mantashe has admitted to instability in the governing party since former president Jacob Zuma stepped down in 2018. 


Mantashe appeared at the commission of inquiry into state capture on Wednesday on behalf of the ANC.


In his opening statement, Mantashe said the party got involved with the Guptas in 2010.


He said Ajay Gupta was a member of former president Thabo Mbeki's economic advisory team. 


"Around 2010 the family approached the ANC with a proposal to establish a newspaper and television channel. At the time the ANC had an interest in the diversification of the media in the country and on that basis the proposal was entertained.


"The establishment of the ANN7 and the New Age was in our view such an opportunity. In fact, the name of the newspaper was proposed by ANC officials after a well-known struggle newspaper of the 1950s.”

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Mantashe said both the newspaper and the channel gave much-needed coverage to ANC activities. 


He claimed the ANC was not aware of the Gupta brothers’ other business interests. 


"Since 2018, after the integrity commission recommended that former president Jacob Zuma step down, the ANC has been undergoing a period of instability. A substantial part of the instability can be attributed to the allegation of involvement of the Gupta family in ANC politics. The perceived hold that family had over Zuma." 


He said the ANC became aware of the hold the Guptas had over Zuma when they managed to land at Waterkloof Air Force Base without the required approval. 


Mantashe a remark by Transport Minister Fikile Mbalula in a ANC national executive committee meeting in June 2014, when he claimed that he was told of his appointment to the executive by a member of the Gupta family, was also an important turning point.  

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