SANEF: Journalist to lay criminal charge against Shivambu

SANEF: Journalist to lay criminal charge against Shivambu

Journalist Adrian de Kock will be laying criminal charges against Economic Freedom Fighters (EFF) deputy president, Floyd Shivambu, following a scuffle on Tuesday. 

Floyd in scuffle with journalist
Screenshot | Twitter @JasonFelix

Video footage has emerged showing Shivambu shoving De Kock.

The scuffle between Shivambu and the Netwerk24 journalist took place in the Parliamentary precinct.

ALSO READ: [WATCH] Scuffle between EFF's Shivambu and journalist

According to de Kock, he approached Shivambu for comment on the disciplinary hearing of the Democratic Alliance's (DA) Patricia de Lille.

The South African National Editors Forum confirmed that De Kock will be laying a charge of assault against Shivambu.

SANEF chairperson Mahlatse Mahlase says they will engage with the EFF.

"We are pretty shocked and very disappointed by the physical attack at the Netwerk24 photographer and its quite disappointing that Floyd Shivambu, who is a Member of Parliament tasked with ensuring the rights of media, he is seen attacking the journalist."

The Parliamentary Press Gallery Association (PGA) also reacted to the incident.

In a statement, PGA chairperson Andisiwe Makinana asked Shivambu to apologize.

"There was no need for Mr Shivambu to assault Mr De Kock. The PGA will be writing to the Speaker of the National Assembly, the Chairperson of the NCOP and the EFF asking for Mr Shivambu to apologize, for (sic) disciplinary action to be taken against him and his male companion."

Floyd apologised for scuffle with the multimedia journalist.

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