Lesufi: Children are safer at school than at home

Lesufi: Children are safer at school than at home

Gauteng Education MEC Panyaza Lesufi says children are much safer in school than they are at home.

Katlehong school 1

Lesufi visited Lungisani Primary school in Katlehong after various schools were disrupted due to reports that children are being kidnapped and schools torched in and around the area.


A video is also doing the rounds on Twitter, where a Katlehong metro police officer calls on parents to fetch their children from school as several kids were allegedly kidnapped by Nigerians.

ALSO READ: Police dismiss child kidnapping reports as ‘fake news’


Police have since denied the reports.


Lesufi says the disruptions may affect the learner’s performance as preliminary exams are coming up.


He also urged parents to verify the information before acting it.


"We are pleading with parents to really ignore these wrong messages and then if they feel that something that needs to happen they can contact the Department of Education.


"For now we have a decision as a department that children are safer and better in our school premises. There is no school in Gauteng that will encourage learners not to come to school."



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