Lights out for some municipalities

Lights out for some municipalities

Eskom says it will continue with the electricity supply interruptions to municipalities who have not settled their debt or made payment arrangements.

electricity power lines _jacanews
Photo: Maryke Vermaak, JacarandaFM News

The power utility extended the deadline for payment after AfriForum and AfriBusiness turned to the courts in a bid to halt Eskom from cutting power to the municipalities.


The court bid failed.


Eskom, however, says it has suspended planned supply interruptions to another five municipalities.


"Payments have been received and payment plans agreed upon with Nketoana, Nala, Tokologo, and Mantsopa municipalities in the Free State Province; and Walter Sisulu municipality in the Eastern Cape Province," says Eskom.


It says it will continue with planned supply interruptions at the following municipalities:

Eskom power cut municipalities 1
Eskom power cut municipalities 2
Eskom power cut municipalities 3
Eskom power cut municipalities 4
Eskom power cut municipalities 5
Eskom power cut municipalities 6

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