LISTEN: Education department probes school lap dance video

LISTEN: Education department probes school lap dance video

The Gauteng Department of Education is investigating a video depicting two learners in a sexually explicit dance, while they are being cheered on by other learners.

classroom school_jacanews
Photo: Pieter van der Merwe, JacarandaFM News

It shows a grade 10 female learner giving a male learner a lap dance in a classroom and in full school uniform.  

Mabona says the department is probing the incident and a disciplinary process will ensue as more videos have come to light. 

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"We are aware that there are three videos that were captured by Grade 10 learners in February 2018 and as such the investigation will involve the entire learner population from the said grade."

He said the investigation will determine the disciplinary action against all learners that were involved. 

"Our psychosocial team has been dispatched to the school to offer support and counseling to all affected by this incident."

"We are highly disappointed by the conduct of these learners, which has brought the school into disrepute," added Mabona. 

The department says the school is one of its top performing schools in the Province with a 100% matric pass rate. 

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