Mdluli ‘family agents' cost crime intelligence R5m

Mdluli ‘family agents' cost crime intelligence R5m

The commission of inquiry into state capture heard how seven agents related to then crime intelligence boss Richard Mdluli cost the organisation approximately R5 million.

Richard Mdluli
File Photo

This is according to former crime intelligence agent Dhanajaya Naidoo who is expected to conclude his in-camera testimony in Parktown on Tuesday.

Naidoo has been in the witness protection programme since 2011.

"Chair, I believe it exceeded R5 million but obviously this is just an estimate. I can confirm if all the documents regarding these seven agents are shown to me," he said.

Naidoo also told the commission how Mdluli allegedly abused the unit's agent programme by instructing that several of his friends and family be enrolled as agents.

"I previously testified to that I would have been the appointed agent to handle these particular agents. I refer to the incident that happened at General (Solly) Lazarus' office between himself and General Mdluli.

"I was eventually tasked with handling claims for the seven of the Mdluli families, although two I cannot confirm were family although we included them into the Mdluli family," he added. 

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