Memorial service to he held for Forest Hill pupil, suspect to write exams

Memorial service to be held for Forest Hill pupil, suspect to write exams

A memorial service is to be held on Tuesday for the pupil who died in a stabbing incident at Forest Hill High school last Monday. 

candle / pixabay
candle / pixabay

A memorial service is to be held on Tuesday for the pupil who died in a stabbing incident at Forest Hill High school last Monday. 

According to the Department of Education (DBE) in Gauteng's Steve Mabona, the service will not be long as exams are continuing at the school. 

In addition, contingency measures have been put in place for the alleged perpetrator fo the attack to write exams, but not at the school itself. 

On Monday the alleged attacker was granted R5,000 bail and among his bail conditions were that he is not allowed back at the school. 

"We need to make sure that we don't disadvantage him in his studies," explained Mabona. 

"If the family manage to sort out the bail [mopney] and the child is released, then there is a venue where he will write...and we will make sure we manage the process."

Listen to Mabona below. 

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