Moyane to approach ConCourt as his grievances left ‘unheard’

Moyane approaching ConCourt to air 'unheard grievances’

All objections raised by suspended South African Revenue Services (SARS) commissioner, Tom Moyane, on the probe into his alleged misconduct have been dismissed.

Tom Moyane_sars
Photo: SARS

“The fight is about to begin,” Moyane’s legal counsel told Jacaranda FM News.

Moyane has lost all the objections he lodged against the disciplinary inquiry he is facing.

His lawyer, Eric Mabuza, says Advocate Azar Bham said to Moyane that “his hands are tied. If you want to challenge, you should challenge the president.”

The embattled former commissioner argues that his rights have negatively been affected after President Cyril Rampahosa established two parallel probes into his conduct.

ALSO READ: Moyane pokes at another inquiry, wants Gordhan to testify orally

He also wants Minister Pravin Gordhan’s affidavit scrapped from the record and the right to rebut oral evidence given in the disciplinary inquiry.

The inquiry into tax governance and administration by chairperson Judge Robert Nugent can now also continue its work. 

ALSO READ: Assault charges dropped against Tom Moyane

Mabuza says they have exhausted all but one remedy available to his client, and when completed, “we will be off to court”.

Ramaphosa must now respond, by letter or affidavit, on whether he accepts or declines the rulings by Bham and Nugent.

“We early await his decision in that respect, but I can assure you that we now hold a firm instruction to approach the Constitutional Court to challenge both the decision of Bham and Nugent.”

If Moyane doesn't approach a court of law, hearings are expected to commence in September.

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