NPA’s Estina case hits a wall

The NPA’s Estina case hits a wall

The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) has provisionally withdrawn charges in the Estina dairy farm case. 

Gupta online picture
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The National Prosecuting Authority (NPA) has provisionally withdrawn charges in the Estina diary farm case. 

Eight people, including Varun Gupta, Oakbay CEO Ronica Ragavan and former Sahara executive Ashu Chawla were arrested in connection with the alleged theft of R250m linked to the Estina dairy farm project in Vrede. 


The NPA's Phaladi Shuping says a letter was sent to the various legal representatives on Wednesday.

The letter is to inform the accused that the NPA has not received information on the assistance request made to India and United Arab Emirates.

As a result the NPA has not been able to finalise its investigations.

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The NPA had until the end of November to provide indictments for the matter to be heard in court on December 4.

"We still do not have information that is not within our jurisdiction. You'll remember the last time in court we said we are working with outside law enforcement to help us with information that we think will assist in this matter.

"Unfortunately the process has not been smooth sailing that is why there has been some delays and the decision for now on the fourth of December the NPA will formally withdraw this matter provisionally in court,” Shuping says.


The NPA says it will reinstated the charges once it has managed to gather all the necessary information.



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