NW police officers help deliver baby girl

NW police officers help deliver baby girl

Police officers from Vorstershoop police station outside Potchefstroom in North West played the role of midwife on Saturday morning.

North West police officers

The officers assisted a women to give birth after the station received a call from a community member informing them that the 22-year-old was experiencing severe labour pains.

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North West spokesperson Sabata Mokgwabone says two female constables rushed to Monotomosetlha informal settlement.

“Knowing the challenges in Vorstershoop, including the remoteness of the place and accessibility of community services, the employees; four constables and a data typist, rushed to the woman's place at Monotomosetlha informal settlement.

“Upon realising that the woman was about to give birth, they called an ambulance. While waiting for the ambulance from Morokweng, two female constables assisted the woman to deliver a bouncing baby girl.”

Mokgwabane believes the officers went beyond the call of duty.

North West Baby
North West Baby

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