Panel to probe the conduct of the Public Protector

Panel to probe the conduct of the Public Protector

A three-member panel has been appointed by National Assembly Speaker, Thandi Modise to look into Public Protector, Busisiwe Mkwebane, and whether she does have a case to answer about her fitness to hold office.

Busisiwe Mkhwebane
Photo by Neo Motloung

This follows the motion tabled by the Chief Whip of the Democratic Alliance (DA), Natasha Mazzone, to remove Mkhwebane from office.


Earlier this year, Mazzone invoked procedures to remove an office-bearer in State Institutions Supporting Constitutional Democracy.


The office of the Speaker has confirmed the panel will consist of highly regarded legal minds.

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The panel includes Justice Bess Nkabinde -as Chairperson,  Advocate Dumisa Ntsebeza and Advocate Johan De Waal.


Parliament spokesperson, Moloto Mothapo says the panel will start its duties on a date to be announced.  


"The panel must determine whether there is prima facie evidence to show that the holder of a public office committed misconduct, is incapacitated, or is incompetent. 


"In so doing, it must provide the holder of a public office with a reasonable opportunity to respond, in writing, to all relevant allegations," says Mothapo. 


The panel will have 30 days to complete its work and report back.

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